Welcome to the SUB2r wiki

It is free to use and everyone is allowed to access it without a need to be registered. If you'd like to contribute 1)2) to this wiki, please contact SUB2r to get registered.

SUB2r software bundle

Download the software bundle from this location. The package includes all the necessary pieces (drivers, core tools, additional tools, SDK with a library) and is extremely light-weight as it is only pre-packaged with the most used essentials while the less frequently used components are downloaded by the installer as needed.

Alternatively you may opt to download the offline installer that has everything pre-packaged (and is thus way larger in size, of course)

Refer to revision history to learn what's new in the latest version (and sometimes - what is coming up next).

Wiki overview

Following are the major Sections of the site:

Driver installation guide

On Windows10 PC the necessary drivers are installed automatically by Windows Update and no user intervention is needed.

ATTENTION Linux & Mac Users: our software & drivers currently have no compatibility for linux or mac. Even using WINE 3) provides no functionality to install or use our software. If you think you can create a linux or mac variant for our software and drivers, please contact us at info@sub2r.com with the subject header “Re: Porting to %Operating.System%”, where %Operating.System% denotes which operating system you'd like to code for.


Safe space for trolls

remember to follow the wiki formatting syntax when editing these pages
There's a (La)TeX plugin available for advanced formatting, like writing math formulae. The syntax is described on this wikibooks page