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This page describes FX3/FPGA API for Square1 and Studio (gen5) products.

For gen4 and earlier API see FX3/FPGA API spec up to REX.


SUB2r camera is built on a Cypress FX3 chipset that facilitates the Super-Speed USB 3.0+ communication between the device and a host system. Every component of the camera, be it an FPGA or an image sensor, receives user commands via that Cypress FX3.

On Windows the device is registered with a GUID {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} and if you are not planning on using the SUB2r-lib for your development - that would be the GUID to search for to properly connect to the command channel.

Here's a sample code that shows how to send commands to both the FX3 Host (defined on this page) and to access FPGA's mapped registers. The code lacks error checking (for clarity) and this should go without saying that if you copy-paste it into your code you must add error handling :)

// set a new auto-functions' update interval to 2x the default
// just issue the command directly to FX3's vendor request interface
void setAUInterval(){
    S2R::I2C fx3;;
    fx3.vrCmd(S2R::FX3::af_au_period, S2R::FX3::write, 6000, 0);
// run DPC calibration - also just a straight-up vendor request command to FX3
void runDPC(UCHAR _threshold = 240){
    S2R::I2C fx3;;
    fx3.vrCmd(S2R::FX3::calibrate_dpc, S2R::FX3::write, _threshold, 0);
// increase LED's green brightness by 25%
// utilize the FPGA's I²C bridge
void lightUpTheGreen()
    using Cmd = S2R::FX3::Fx3Cmd;
    using OpType = S2R::FX3::VrCmdOpType;
    S2R::FX3 fx3;   // `S2R::I2C fx3;` works as well;
    uint8_t        buf[1]{0};
    const uint16_t clrChannel{0x0A};    // LED green
    fx3.vrCmd(Cmd::i2c_bridge, OpType::read, 0, clrChannel, buf, 1);
    buf[0] += buf[0] / 4;  // yes, this can totally overflow
    fx3.vrCmd(Cmd::i2c_bridge, OpType::write, buf[0], clrChannel);

FX3 API Reference

The following tables provide information on how to access the camera's functionality for FX3 Host Vendor Command Interface. The address space is split into smaller chunks, grouped by common functionality:


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
Reserved0x00-0x9F Think of this as “system address space”

Global controls

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
Bootloader check0xA0 R/W Check if a bootloader is running, the result is in the command's status code (success/failure interpreted as true/false)
MS OS Descr.0xA1bits [\(3:0\)] - see notes R/O\(174\)MS OS Platform DescriptorFor details on the structure and valid parameters' values refer to Microsoft's documentation for Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors Specification
The \(4\) LSB of the wIndex field are the descriptor's index. Valid values are:
\(7\) - MS OS 2.0 descriptor
\(8\) - MS OS 2.0 set alternative enumeration (currently not supported)
:!: Run DPC calibration0xA2 DPC ThresholdW/O Start the dynamic DPC calibration with the given DPC Threshold in range [\(0..4095\)]

I²C access

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: FPGA I²C Bridge0xA4FPGA register offsetFPGA data (write)R/W\(0\) or \(1\)[\(7:0\)] - FPGA dataFPGA write returns 0 byte buffer, FPGA read returns 1 byte buffer. Read/write is requested via control endpoint's direction attribute being set to DIR_FROM_DEVICE/DIR_TO_DEVICE.
For details on individual commands refer to FPGA I²C bridge
:!: Sensor I²C bridge (\(8\)-bit configuration registers)0xA5 [\(15:0\)] - sensor register address mask and data (if writing) - see Notes column for details R/W\(0\) or \(1\) [\(7:0\)] - sensor register's data register - a \(16\) bit register address
mask - an \(8\)-bit MSB that specifies which bits to affect during a write operation - only the bits that are set in mask will be affected by bits in data. Setting mask to \(0\) ultimately turns a write operation into a read one as no bits are getting modified
data - an \(8\)-bit LSB that specifies the new data to write into sensor's register. The write only affects the bits that are set in mask
Read operation returns an \(8\)-bit register's value
Read/write is requested via control endpoint's direction attribute being set to DIR_FROM_DEVICE/DIR_TO_DEVICE.
For details on each sensor's register's function refer to the sensor's specification
:!: Generic I²C access0xA6[\(15:8\)] \(8\)-bit I²C bus address
[\(7:6\)] command selector
[\(5:3\)] data width selector
[2:0] address width selector
[\(7:0\)] - number of data elements to read/writeR/W single/bulk read/write to/from an arbitrary device on I²C bus, supports \(8\), \(16\), \(32\) bit addressing and same for data OR poll for status or get result of a bulk I2C operation, see next section for details

Generic I²C access details

This versatile API allows single/bulk access to an arbitrary device on I²C and supports 8, 16, 32-bit addressing and data. Single (non-bulk) access is always an immediate, non-cached execution while bulk access is always cached. For bulk operations the result is queried/polled until it is acquired or has failed.

Generic I²C command selector

Code Name Description
\(0\) read This command issues an immediate read on I²C if a single address is requested or batches up the reads for a background task otherwise. Use `status` to know when it is ok to retrieve data via a call to `get results`
\(1\) write same as `read`, but for I²C writes
\(2\) status Call this repeatedly while the return code is `still in progress` (code \(0x80\)), until it returns either a `success` (code \(0\)) or any of the `fail` codes, at which point call the `results`
\(3\) results Once the `read` operation completes successfully, this call will retrieve the read data

Status codes

Code Description
0x00 operation completed with no errors
0x01 I²C subsystem is not initialized
0x02 invalid I²C bus address - must be an \(8\)-bit kind, so last bit has to be a \(0\)
0x03 I²C operation failed
0x10 too many elements to process
0x11 invalid (reserved) width value for address
0x12 invalid (reserved) width value for data
0x13 mismatch between number of elements specified in request (in wValue's LSB) and buffer (based on wLength and address+data width)
0x20 cache buffer overflow (did you forget to poll for successful completion before issuing a new command? Or is there another application trying to utilize this same API in parallel?)

Generic I²C width selector

Value Width (bits)
\(0\) \(8\)
\(1\) \(16\)
\(2\) \(32\)

Video mode select

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: Video Mode Select0xA7 R/W 1 \(7:2\) - Reserved
\(1\) - HDR mode
\(0\) - RAW mode
\(1\) - chose between HDR(\(1\)) or linear (\(0\)) sensor mode
\(0\) - select RAW mode (\(1\)) or Processed Video (\(0\)) for video pipeline
N.B. “Raw mode” has been moved here from 0xA5 in FX3 version \(46\)


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: Sysinfo0xA8data structure version:
\(1\) - deprecated
\(2\) - supported version
bitmask of additional checks to perform:
:!: \(0\) - reinit FPGA and/or sensor if needed
\(1\)-\(7\): reserved
struct SysInfoV2
Get various internal system info on the guts of the RTOS and the firmware running on FX3, as well as overall configuration and health check results. Returned bytes:
Version 2: SysInfoV2

Versioning and reprogramming

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Notes
Erase SPI Flash0xAA W/O Any write to this location invalidates the FX3 SPI Flash and causes the FX3 to reset itself to a bootloader mode for reprogramming
FX3 version0xAB R/O \(4\) Get detailed version information of the FX3, for more details refer to FX3 Version Info
:!: FPGA version0xAC R/O \(4\) Get detailed version information of the FPGA, for more details refer to FPGA Version Info
:!: FPGA config. ctrl.0xAD W/O Any write to this location will put the FPGA into configuration mode
:!: FPGA config. status - SPI codes0xAE R/O \(2\) Retrieve detailed status of the FPGA configuration operation. See below for details
SPI Flash write enable0xAF W/O Reconfigure the FX3 IOMatrix to disable GPIF and enable SPI to be re-written

FPGA config status - SPI codes

Bit position Bit name Description
\(15\) Program SwitchWord OK
\(14\) Verify OK Verification succeeded
\(13\) Program OK Programming completed successfully
\(12\) Erase OK SPI erase was successful
\(11\) Erase SwitchWord OK
\(10\) Check ID OK
\(9\) Initialize OK
\(8\) Config started Config operation has started
\(7\) CRC error
\(6\) Timeout error
\(5\) Program error Error while programming the SPI
\(4\) Erase error Encountered an error while erasing SPI
\(3\) IdCode error
\(2\) Config error Configuration operation errored out
\(1\) Config done Configuration operation is complete
\(0\) Config not busySet to \(1\) while the config is not busy

FPS control

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: FPS0xB0 R/W\(4\)float32 FPSFPS value is in IEEE float32 format, x86 LE

Bulk color grading

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: Bulk color grading0xB1[\(15:8\)] - table
[\(7:0\)] - starting index
[\(15:8\)] - version
[\(7:0\)] - count
R/W\(count * 2\) Currently only version \(1\) is supported.
The table is a value from this list:
000 - Hue vs. Hue (\(14\) bits)
001 - Hue vs. Saturation (\(12\) bits)
010 - Lightness vs. Saturation (\(12\) bits)
011 - Saturation vs. Saturation (\(12\) bits)1)
100 - Lightness vs. Lightness (\(12\) bits)
101 - Hue vs. Lightness (\(12\) bits)2)
110-111 - reserved
Starting index is a \(0\)-based offset of the first written/read color grading value
Version is currently \(1\)
Count - how many entries to write/read
The buffer is exchanged in data phase of the USB control request (both IN/OUT)

Color correction matrix (a.k.a. CCM or CMX)

See Color correction matrix article in this Wiki's ISP section for more details.

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: Color correction matrix0xB2 0 0x0303 R/W32packed C-array
That data buffer could also be defined as

or as


for the same exact memory layout on LE systems


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes

FPGA stats

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: FPGA stats0xB8statistics type\(0\)R/Osee notessee notesRead out various stats from FPGA, see table below for details

FPGA stats' details

Name Value Return type Notes
:!: Sensor FPS 0x01 float IEEE float32 format, x86 LE number derived from FPGA's video pipeline observed time between first pixel output of two consecutive video frames


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes

SDI control

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: SDI control 0xBA \(0\) \(1\) R/W \(1\) \(0\) - SDI on/off SDI control, for now only on/off with the default video mode of 1080p@60fps 10bit YUV 4:2:0 packed


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes

SPI flash management

The SPI flash memory (either \(128\)MB or \(256\)MB) is partitioned into \(65\)KB sectors, each comprised of \(256\) pages. Each page is \(256\) bytes long.

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
SPI command byte0xC0[\(7:0\)] command byte\(0\)R/W execute SPI command with no address
SPI command with 24-bit address0xC1[\(15:8\)] bits [\(23:16\)] of the address
[\(7:0\)] command byte
[\(15:0\)] LSW of the addressR/W execute SPI command with a \(24\)-bit address
SPI flash write page0xC2[\(15:0\)] page address W/O\(256\) write a page of SPI flash (same command as Cypress' examples). The flash page size is fixed to \(256\) bytes
SPI flash read page0xC3[\(15:0\)] page address R/O\(256\)page's contentread a page of SPI flash (same command as Cypress' examples). The flash page size is fixed to \(256\) bytes
SPI flash sector erase/poll0xC4[\(7:0\)] - sector\(0\) - poll
\(1\) - erase
R/W either erase a SPI flash sector, or poll SPI busy status (same command as Cypress' examples)

sector's byte address is computed by multiplying wIndex by \(65536\)

For Erase SPI flash sector function:
- wValue = 0x0001
- wIndex = SPI flash sector address
- wLength = 0x0000
No data phase associated with this command

For Check SPI busy status function:
- wValue = 0x0000
- wIndex = 0x0000
- wLength = 0x0001
Data phase indicates flash busy status:
- 0x00 means SPI flash has finished write/erase operation
- non-zero value means that SPI flash is still busy processing previous write/erase command.
SPI flash cmd 240xC5[\(7:0\)] command byte
[\(15:8\)] address's bits [\(23:16\)]
[\(15:0\)] address's bits [\(15:0\)]R/W Run an arbitrary SPI flash command byte


Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes

Auto exposure configuration

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: AE Setpoint0xD0 AE SetpointR/W\(0\) or \(2\) [\(11:0\)] valueTarget Auto Exposure Luminance Setpoint \([0..4095]\)
Default: \(2500\)
This controls the “average luminance” of the whole frame that we are trying to achieve. The higher the value the brighter the result is going to be

Auto white balance configuration

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: AWB Setpoint0xD8 AWB SetpointR/W\(0\) or \(2\) [\(11:0\)] valueAuto White Balance G Gain Setpoint \([0..4095]\)
Default \(2048\)
The pinned value for Green Gain that is used as the basis for the rest of the white balance adjustments. Only change this value if you need to make your picture brighter and you have exhausted both the Exposure and the Global Gain options

Auto-functions' timing

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
Auto Update Period0xDF Auto Update PeriodR/W\(0\) or \(2\) [\(15:0\)] valueAuto Update Period \([0..65535]\))
Default \(17\)
Determines how long we wait before trying to apply a new update for both exposure and white balance (when auto functions are enabled), as well as other up-keep operations, like pushing data over I²C bus.
This is an asynchronous update rate.
That value is approximately in milliseconds

FX3 reset

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
FX3 reset0xE0 W/O Cypress vendor command to soft reset FX3

Camera peripherals

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Notes
LED 0xE1 See LED function selector \(0\) R/W \(24\) bits per RGB triplet Mode selector values are described in LED function selector
Fan control and monitoring 0xE2 See Fan control and monitoring function selector depends on selected function R/W \(1\) or \(2\) This API is available in gen4 v.114 and gen5 v.1

For function selector values refer to Fan control and monitoring function selector
Temperature sensor(s)0xE3 See Temperature sensor monitoring function selector depends on selected function R/O \(1\) This API is available in gen4 v.114 and gen5 v.1

For function selector values refer to Temperature sensor monitoring function selector below

LED function selector

Function Value Byte length Notes
Unified LED color \(0\) \(3\) For both gen4 and gen5 this allows to get/set the single \(24\)-bit RGB triplet for LED pixel(s) color. When reading from multi-pixel setup the value of the first pixel is returned
Left-side LED color \(1\) \(3\) Gen5 has two sides for pixels, this allows to get/set the color of the left group. When reading the value of the first pixel in a group is returned
Right-side LED color \(2\) \(3\) Gen5 has two sides for pixels, this allows to get/set the color of the right group. When reading the value of the first pixel in a group is returned
\(8\)-pixel LED mode \(3\) \(24\) Gen5 comes with a total of 8 LED pixels, individually controllable with this API. The command always operates (gets/sets) the full array of \(8\) \(3\)-byte RGB pixels

Fan control and monitoring function selector

Function Value Type Byte length Notes
FPGA-controlled fan on/off \(0\)
\(1\) Gen4 (including the REX model) is equipped with a fan that is controlled by FPGA
EMC2101's fan speed \(1\)
fan speed The speed's value is in range \([0..100]\%\) though keep in mind that at very low speeds the fan may stop spinning
EMC2101's fan RPM reading \(2\)
RPM, R/O access This reading is based on internal tachometer's clock ticks' count

Temperature sensor monitoring function selector

Function Constant Value Byte length Notes
EMC2101's internal temperature sensor 0 int8_t 1 A signed temperature reading in °C




Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes

[Debug] Get raw descriptor

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
Get raw descriptor0xFAcommandstruct to getR/Ovaries by command (see below)struct's byte bufferThis APi is mostly used for debugging purposes and provides “direct” access to USB descriptors

Get raw descriptor commands

Cmd (wIndex) Meaning
\(0\)get a \(2\)-byte descriptive text label's length (not including the C-style null-terminator)
\(1\)get descriptive text label (up to \(4096\) bytes without a C-style null-terminator)
\(2\)get a \(2\)-byte size of the structure in bytes
\(3\)get structure's byte buffer

Get raw descriptor structure types

As of FX3 version 58 the following internal structures are supported:

wValue Details
\(0\)reserved (unused)
\(1\)USB device descriptor HS
\(2\)USB device descriptor SS
\(3\)USB Device Qualifier descriptor
\(4\)USB BOS (Binary Object Store) descriptor
\(5\)MS OS Platform Capability descriptor version 2.0
\(6\)Full-Speed (2.0) USB Configuration descriptor
\(7\)High-Speed (2.0) USB Configuration descriptor
\(8\)Super-Speed (3.0) USB Configuration descriptor

OS runtime info

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
:!: OS runtime info0xFBsee belowsee belowR/Osee belowsee belowQuery for OS internal info. A type of query is specified in wValue field and, along with other fields, is described in the table below
wValue wIndex Description
:!: \(0\) get number of user trheads
:!: \(1\) \(0\)-based thread's index get info on the thread, see struct OsThreadInfo for details

0xFC-0xFF - Reserved for debug APIs

Name Offset wIndex wValue Access type Byte length Return buffer bits Notes
1) , 2)
scheduled for later

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