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user:embedded_c_code_doesn_t_have_to_be_ugly [2020/05/11 17:15] – [4. Bit manipulations vs. structured data] Igor Yefmovuser:embedded_c_code_doesn_t_have_to_be_ugly [2020/05/11 18:55] – [7. Code comments] Igor Yefmov
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 Here's a more concrete example: working with 16/32 bit integers, where depending on the context it is either a CPU-addressable word, or a stream of bytes on the wire (be it USB or I²C). Traditionally that would result in the 1970's style code like this: Here's a more concrete example: working with 16/32 bit integers, where depending on the context it is either a CPU-addressable word, or a stream of bytes on the wire (be it USB or I²C). Traditionally that would result in the 1970's style code like this:
-<code C>uint32_t byteAddress 12356;+<code C>uint32_t = pageAddress * glSpiPageSize;
 uint8_t location[4]; uint8_t location[4];
 location[1] = (byteAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; /* MS byte */ location[1] = (byteAddress >> 16) & 0xFF; /* MS byte */
Line 129: Line 129:
 /////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////
-PackedUint16 pageAddress = {12356};+PackedUint32 byteAddress = {pageAddress * glSpiPageSize};
 uint8_t location[4] = {};      /* uninitialized memory is evil */ uint8_t location[4] = {};      /* uninitialized memory is evil */
 location[1] = byteAddress.h.l; /* compiler error, of course - must be PackedUint32, not 16 */ location[1] = byteAddress.h.l; /* compiler error, of course - must be PackedUint32, not 16 */
Line 135: Line 135:
 location[3] = byteAddress.l.l; /* LS byte */ location[3] = byteAddress.l.l; /* LS byte */
-/* alternatively the code above can be written even more compactly and more to-the-point, clearly expressing the intent: +/* alternatively the code above can be written much more to-the-point, clearly expressing the intent  */ 
-const uint8_t * const location = pageAddress.a; +const uint8_t * const location_arr = pageAddress.a;</code> 
- */+ 
 +=== A much more "complicated" example === 
 +Incoming USB requests have a standard "setup" header which results in old-style code looking something like the following((there's a separate discussion on the use of globals later on)): 
 +<code C>static CyBool_t CyFxUVCApplnUSBSetupCB(uint32_t setupdat0, /* SETUP Data 0 */ 
 +                                       uint32_t setupdat1 /* SETUP Data 1 */ 
 +) { 
 +    CyU3PIoMatrixConfig_t io_cfg; 
 +    CyBool_t uvcHandleReq = CyFalse; 
 +    uint32_t status; 
 +    CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS; 
 +    uint8_t address, data; 
 +    /* Obtain Request Type and Request */ 
 +    bmReqType = (uint8_t) (setupdat0 & CY_FX_USB_SETUP_REQ_TYPE_MASK ); 
 +    bRequest = (uint8_t) ((setupdat0 & CY_FX_USB_SETUP_REQ_MASK ) >> 8); 
 +    bType = (bmReqType & CY_U3P_USB_TYPE_MASK); 
 +    bTarget = (bmReqType & CY_U3P_USB_TARGET_MASK); 
 +    wValue = (uint16_t) ((setupdat0 & CY_FX_USB_SETUP_VALUE_MASK ) >> 16); 
 +    wIndex = (uint16_t) (setupdat1 & CY_FX_USB_SETUP_INDEX_MASK ); 
 +    wLength = (uint16_t) ((setupdat1 & CY_FX_USB_SETUP_LENGTH_MASK ) >> 16); 
 +    /* Handle USB vendor requests */ 
 +    if (bType == CY_U3P_USB_VENDOR_RQT) {
 </code> </code>
 +The function goes on for HUNDREDS of lines of deep nesting!!!((over 600 LoC to handle the standard USB requests)).
 +Don't know about you, but all this bit shifting and byte extraction just screams "fruitful field for errors!" to me. Consider having abstracted all this ugliness into a structure like the following:
 +<code C>enum UsbRequestTarget{usb_tgt_dev, usb_tgt_ifc, usb_tgt_ep, usb_tgt_other};
 +enum UsbRequestType{usb_rt_std, usb_rt_class, usb_rt_vendor, usb_rt_reserved};
 +typedef struct UsbSetupPacket{
 +    union{
 +        uint32_t d0;
 +        struct{
 +            struct{
 +                struct{
 +                    enum UsbRequestTarget bTarget : 5;
 +                    enum UsbRequestType bType : 2;
 +                    uint8_t dirIn : 1; // "IN" is the direction towards USB host (reading data)
 +                };
 +                uint8_t bRequest;
 +            };
 +            union{
 +                PackedUint16 wValue;
 +                uint16_t featureSelector;
 +            };
 +        };
 +    };
 +    union{
 +        uint32_t d1;
 +        struct{
 +            union{
 +                PackedUint16 wIndex;
 +                struct{
 +                    union{
 +                        uint8_t all;
 +                        struct{
 +                            uint8_t num : 4;
 +                            uint8_t res3 : 3;
 +                            uint8_t dirIn : 1;
 +                        };
 +                    };
 +                    uint8_t res8 : 8;
 +                } ep;
 +                struct Infc{
 +                    uint8_t num;
 +                    uint8_t res;
 +                } infc;
 +            };
 +            PackedUint16 wLength;
 +        };
 +    };
 +} UsbSetupPacket;
 +With that little prep work the same code becomes so much more readable and maintainable:
 +<code C>static CyBool_t CyFxUVCApplnUSBSetupCB(uint32_t setupdat0, uint32_t setupdat1)
 +    UsbSetupPacket req = {};
 +    // the next 2 lines is all it takes to distribute the bits into proper NAMED variables
 +    req.d0 = setupdat0;
 +    req.d1 = setupdat1;
 +    // dispatch to appropriate handler based on request type and return status of request handling to the USB driver
 +    switch(req.bType){
 +        case usb_rt_vendor: return handleVendorRqt(&req);
 +        case usb_rt_std:    return handleUsbStdRqt(&req);
 +        case usb_rt_class:  return handleUvcRqt(&req);
 +        default: return CyFalse;
 +    }
 +Not only the code becomes that much more readable - it also opens up opportunities for compilers to do platform-specific optimizations which are otherwise just not available to them as the intent of the code is not clearly expressed with all that manual bit shifting...
 ==== 5. Globals ==== ==== 5. Globals ====
 +Having global variables is absolutely the major contributor to entangling unrelated blocks of code and making sure no human mind can fully comprehend your text without first truly understanding **all of it**. "A variable is declared in one file, set in another, accessed in yet another... what fun it is to trace its lifetime!" especially on an embedded system that lacks "usual" debugging tools like stepping through the lines or examining the state of variables.
 +There are a few kinds of globals, IMO:
 +=== "Global" globals ===
 +These are the ones declared at file level and mentioned with an ''extern'' keyword in header files. In my experience almost all of these can be safely made non-globals with little to no impact on the overall code structure and quite often moved into function scopes and passed around as parameters on a stack((more on stack usage later)).
 +See if some of those globals can be made file-scoped by grouping related functions together((naturally all the functions that access the same set of globals are very likely to be related to each other in functionality)). Some ''const''((some are not even declared as ''const'' at times!)) globals can even be turned into ''enum'''s((and stop taking precious RAM or ''.data'' (sometimes ''.text'') segment space)). And most often those globals can, and should, be safely made function-scope.
 +=== Function-level globals ===
 +A relic of K&R style ''C'' language, that required all the function variables be declared up-front, still finds its proponents even in the modern world of not-dumb-anymore-compilers that are able to deduce a lot more information from the code's text than some 50 years ago.
 +These same compilers are capable of making quite intelligent choices on how to translate your code into zeroes and ones, so that you should truly be not afraid of expressing your functionality in the language of abstraction, rather than writing in ''C'' like it is a macro-Assembler((I'm absolutely not advocating for total ignorance on how your ''C'' code translates into machine code, of course not. Just saying that one must **not** try to "help" compilers too much at expense of code's clarity)).
 +Stack allocation is extremely cheap, even on the most low-end down-to-earth hardware, so concerning yourself with the cost of that operation by grouping all-the-possible-function-variables together at the top should be reserved only for the most critical code((in which case it is very likely that such code should be written directly in Assembler by a highly-skilled engineer who is also extremely familiar with the target platform)).
 +=== Cross-function globals ===
 +Oh, these are absolutely the worst, as they tend to sneak up on you at the least expected time and place! They get declared as globals and then are only set in one place while being accessed in plenty of other places. Especially dangerous ones cross thread boundaries, making for extra-nasty race condition type bugs.
 +Even if one doesn't do anything about the first two kinds, one must always strive to eliminate these ones. In the long run it **never** makes sense to have that kind of (questionable) optimization benefit at the expense of destabilizing your code so badly.
 ==== 6. Code blocks' nesting ==== ==== 6. Code blocks' nesting ====
 +Somewhat related to the general question of "how many LoC in a function is too many?" this one goes back to gut feeling that cramming all the code into a single function will somehow have positive optimization benefits overall. Let me be clear here: **it doesn't**. That perception is stemming from the fact that function calls in ''C'', while being very cheap, are not zero-overhead operations.
 +This perception completely ignores all the advances made in CPU manufacturing in the past 60 years or so((various speculative execution techniques: branch prediction, prefetching, pipelining, value prediction, code and data caching to name a few)).
 +Just write the code in manageable (one-two page length) chunks, packaged as individual functions. And if there really **is** a concern for stack depth you always have the option of inlining those functions((a very often overlooked method to my surprise)).
 +If you have a long-ass ''switch'' statement - make it into a function. If the branches of your ''if'' or ''case'' statements are large - make them into functions. If there's an overgrown block of code that is responsible for one clearly defined operation - make it into a function. If you find yourself writing an ''if'' inside a ''case'' or a similar situation - extract the code block into a function.
 +And as a general rule: if you see a block of code that doesn't fit onto one screen (or your prefrontal cortex, for that matter) - make it into a function!
 +Think of functions as text paragraphs: if you read some text that consists of one huge paragraph chances are you'll give up soon enough and look for some other source of information. One that is made for human consumption.
 +=== Stack depth ===
 +Speaking of stack depth: partitioning your code into smaller functions may indeed //reduce// your stack requirement as you won't be needing to allocate every-single-variable-ever-used-in-any-branch in one chunk, but instead only use up as much stack as needed for each individual function.
 ==== 7. Code comments ==== ==== 7. Code comments ====
 +<code C>CyBool_t isUsbConnected = CyFalse; /* Whether USB connection is active. */
 +int i = 1;   // set i to 1
 +i++;         // increment i by 1</code>
 +The comments above are utterly useless. Not only they don't anything to what is already expressed in the code((which is bad enough on its own)), there's a high potential for these types of comments to become stale and ultimately very misleading.

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