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Firmware Versioning evolution

FX3 Version Info

The version id is also encoded into the firmware image file name as:


FX3 version info C/C++-struct

The FX3 version structure is as follows (little-endian memory layout):

struct FwVersion{
    unsigned vendorId    : 3;
    unsigned hwCfgId     : 5;
    unsigned productId   : 8;
#ifdef OLD_VER_FMT
    unsigned releaseType : 5;
    unsigned buildNo     : 11;
    unsigned releaseType : 3;
    unsigned buildNo     : 13;
static_assert(sizeof(FwVersion) == 4);

Prior to FPGA v. 89 there was no standard-compliant way of representing the version info in a C struct though (which is exactly what prompted the rework in the first place).

Bit layout

The bits are laid out in 4 sequential bytes as follows (depending on the version):

version 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
buildNo[7:0] releaseType buildNo[10:8] productId vendorId hwCfgId
fx3<103 buildNo[10:3] buildNo[2:0] releaseType productId hwCfgId vendorId
buildNo[12:5] buildNo[4:0] releaseType productId hwCfgId vendorId

Because of the change in bit layout different byte sequences shown below are needed to produce the same result (exact same component values for the sake of simplicity and only as an illustration):

version byte sequence (API return buffer)
.vendorId = 1
.hwCfgId = 1
.productId = 5
.releaseType = 3
.buildNo = 0x67
0x21 0x05 0x18 0x67
fx3<103 0x09 0x05 0xE3 0x0C
0x09 0x05 0x3B 0x03

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