SysInfo definition for FX3 v.52

// --------------------------------------------
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// --------------------------------------------
struct SysInfoV1{
    struct Sig {
        uint16_t size = {};
        uint8_t maj : 6 = {}; // the size has changed (members added or removed)
        uint8_t min : 2 = {}; // only some bitfields were added that used to be reserved
        uint8_t res : 8 = {};
    struct Supp {
        bool usb3 : 1 = {};   // CyFx3DevIsUsb3Supported();
        bool otg : 1 = {};    // CyFx3DevIsOtgSupported();
        bool ram512 : 1 = {}; // CyFx3DevIsRam512Supported();
        bool i2s : 1 = {};    // CyFx3DevIsI2sSupported();
        bool gpif : 1 = {};   // CyFx3DevIsGpifSupported();
        bool gpif32 : 1 = {}; // CyFx3DevIsGpif32Supported();
        uint8_t res : 2 = {};
    struct Config{
        bool i2c : 1 = {};    // CyFx3DevIOIsI2cConfigured();
        bool i2s : 1 = {};    // CyFx3DevIOIsI2sConfigured();
        bool uart : 1 = {};   // CyFx3DevIOIsUartConfigured();
        bool spi : 1 = {};    // CyFx3DevIOIsSpiConfigured();
        bool pib : 1 = {};    // CyFx3PibIsOn();
        bool dll : 1 = {};    // CyFx3PibGetDllStatus();
        bool lpp : 1 = {};    // CyFx3LppIsOn();
        uint8_t res : 1 = {};
    struct Usb{
        enum class UsbSpeed: uint8_t{disconnected, fs, hs, ss};
        UsbSpeed speed : 3 = UsbSpeed::disconnected; // CyU3PUsbGetSpeed()
        bool auxPower : 1 = {};  // bit 6 on I2C expander at 0x21
        uint8_t res : 4 = {};
    struct UsbErr{
        uint16_t phy = {}, lnk = {};
    Sig sig;
    uint32_t uptime = {};                                // CyU3PGetTime()
    enum class CyPart: uint8_t {usb3014 = 0, unknown = 0xff} partno = CyPart::unknown; // CyFx3DevIdentifyPart() from cyfx3_api.h
    Supp supported;
    Config config;
    Usb usb;
        uint32_t allocCnt = {}, freeCnt = {};
    } mem, dma;                 // CyU3PMemGetCounts(), CyU3PBufGetCounts()
    UsbErr err_cur, err_tot;    // CyU3PUsbGetErrorCounts
    uint8_t memCheck = {}, dmaCheck = {}; // CyU3PMemCorruptionCheck(), CyU3PBufCorruptionCheck()
        bool sfp_active : 1 = {};    // there's an active module plugged into SFP+ cage
        bool res : 7 = {};
    } peripherals;
static_assert(sizeof(SysInfoV1) == 39);
// --------------------------------------------
#pragma pack(pop)
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